Wednesday, December 9, 2009

38 Weeks- Camping Out

Michael and I have had a strange feeling that Bryson was going to come early, but apparently we were wrong.

At my appointment on Monday, I found out that Bryson is pretty content where he is and is pretty much planning on going to college in there! HA! I'm still only at a 1-baaarely I'm moving really slowly.
Bryson is doing great, my doctor said that he feels like he's around 7lbs, so he's not going to be as hefty as we had thought.
She also had some not so fun news. She said there's a huge chance I'll have to be induced since I'm moving so slowly and have been in the same place for 3 weeks now.   :(  I had to reschedule an induction (I had cancelled the original appointment I made) for the 21st, which is also my due date. She is afraid of waiting longer than that because my fluid levels were a tiny bit low on my last sono at 35 wks and since there's hardly any extra room in my belly, she doesn't want to take the chance of him growing even more and running out of amniotic fluid. Needless to say, one way or another, we're going to have a baby boy ON or before the 21st!!

I'm really thrilled that Bryson is so healthy and growing so wonderfully. I have to admit, however, that I was slightly bummed that we have to wait 2 more weeks to meet him. I'm also bummed that I have 2 more weeks of walking around super humongo and getting more and more uncomfortable by the hour. I actually feel like I have started to waddle in the past day or so. It's a lovely feeling. HA! 
Here we are at 38 weeks :)   Only 12 days to go!!

Speaking of "only 12 days to go", a couple of my girls sang a super cute song to Bryson this morning. It was called the "12 Days of Bryson."
The only line I remember was, "On the 1st day of Bryson, his mommy said to him 'please stop crying. I don't want to spank you."
It was really funnny :) I love my kids!!

I forgot to mention this last week, but we went to an infant care class last Tuesday and Michael learned how to swaddle a baby. It was so sweet to watch him practicing on a babydoll. He was pretty good at it! :)

SO, for now, we're anxiously awaiting the 21st!! Or, if Bryson decides to come earlier, then that is PERFECTLY ok with me!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I know you must FEEL huge, but trust me, you look great. You don't look puffy. You look radiant!
    And I love the song your kids sang for you. You should get them to give you the words and you can add it to Bryson's scrapbook.
    These next two weeks will fly by...just watch and see.
    Praying for all three of you!
