Friday, January 28, 2011

Lovely Day

"If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 'til tomorrow."  haha! So true!

It was pretty cold and rainy earlier this week, and then today it was sunny and 72! It was beautiful! My kids definietly enjoyed running around at recess without coats and hats. The beautiful weather isn't supposed to last long, as snow is forcasted for Tuesday. My goodness.

I picked up Bryson a little early from school and we headed straight to the park and ran around and played for close to an hour. I try to take him everyday, when it's not freezing of course:) We had so much fun today!

Bryson LOVES playing basketball on his little goal he got for his birthday. He plays everyday and loooves it! Well, there were a few boys playing basketball at the park today and he was completely fascinated. He took off running towards the court quite a few times. :) Future NBA star on our hands? Who knows. But I do have a strong strong feeling he is going to be a crazy sports loving boy like his daddy!!


  1. How fun! It was beautiful today. Glad you and Bryson had so much fun at the park!

  2. That last picture is precious! And if he does ever go to the NBA he needs to have it framed in his house...and yours :)

  3. I love love love this picture of Bryson running in the park after the basketball goal. LOVE IT:)
