Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Running through the Seasons

Michael and Steph ran the Big D half marathon and marathon on Sunday. I can't tell you how proud of them I am!

They both did the 4 Seasons Challenge, which challenged runners to run a 1/2 marathon every season for one year, and this was their last race to end the challenge.

They did The Hottest Half

Tyler Rose

Dallas White Rock Marathon

The Big D

The last 2 were nasty, rainy and miserable. It rained most of the morning on them, and still, they did amazing!
Steph ran her first marathon ever in December (White Rock) and qualified for the Boston Marathon with her time. For all the non-runners: that is a HUGE deal!! It is NOT easy to qualify and she did it on her first ever marathon!! Amazing!! She even ran a personal record this race and beat her time (qualifing again!) :)

Anyway, My mom took one for the team and watched Bryson so I could go cheer them on. I didn't want Bryson miserable and wet all morning. It is always sooo motivating standing at the finish line watching everyone cross. Running is very emotional, and even though I didn't know a single soul except Michael and Steph, I found myself tearing up several times. It aaaaalmost made me want to run another half marathon. Actually, no. No it didn't. It made me very happy I wasn't soaking wet running for 3 hours straight. ;)

I'm so proud of you both!!


  1. That is awesome! I thought Steph's time sounded Boston fast - she's just going to have to go do that one! That is quite an accomplishment.

    It'll be a while before I do another half too. The training is just so time consuming (especially when you run as slow as I do).

  2. What an amazing goal! I am so proud of both Michael and Steph! Way to go!

  3. Wow - that's fantastic! A half marathon every season?! Yowsa!

    And that pic of the three of you is great! You're like the three most fit people to ever stand in one photo together :)

  4. WoW! I am super duper impressed! I'm considering training for a half, but I will have two children then so who knows how that will go...

    I'm trying to get all caught up on your blog. Things have been crazy around here!!!

  5. That's so awesome!! And congrats to Steph on qualifying for Boston. I do know what a big deal that is and to do it on your first try? Amazing! I'm currently training for my first half on June 2 and will hopefully run another one in September. It's definitely an emotional sport. I was extremely emotional after I completed my first ten miler and I expect to be feel the same after my first half. It's very overwhelming! It's great you were able to be there to watch all the runners finishing.
