Well, If you have ever met my husband, even for a split second, you know that he is absolutely crazy about sports. All sports. If it keeps score, he's completely engrossed in it! I, however, am not.
Lately, Michael has been begging me to get into sports with him. We started running together last year, and that was really fun. We joined a softball team with some friends from church and that has been really fun. I guess Michael was trying to keep the streak alive and add another sport to the list of things we can do together.
So, today we went to the driving range to hit some golf balls. I've hit golf balls once in my life when we first started dating and it did NOT go well, so I wasn't really super thrilled about going, but oh well! We got out there and I was actually hitting lots of balls! Several of them went about 140 yards!! It was very exciting! Don't get me wrong though, I most definitely hit my fair share of "wiffs". It was really intimidating with Michael hitting awesome shots and the guy in front of me hitting awesome shots and then me barely budging the balls. Michael was so patient and encouraging. At one point I hit the ball no more than 20 feet and he lit up and smiled and congratualted me on an "awsome shot". It was really sweet :) I think he was so excited that I was actually out there with him that even my "wiffs" were awesome shots to him!
It was so much fun to spend a wonderful golf-filled afternoon with my hubby!

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