Some of Bryson's friends at church
Fishing in the backyard
LOVES to cut paper into shreds
The boys taking apart the chib/toddler bed and B helping me paint the walls in his "big boy room"
Building a bulletin board with Daddy at Home Depot...bed head and all :)
His cheesy cheese smile...LOVE it!!
Watching "the big guys with the stong muscles and big boobies swim faaaaast in the water"
Mking a puppet at the Dallas Musuem of Art
I wasn't feeling well so Mimi came over to play with Bryson and clean up the kitchen while B read her a Jesus story. ;)
Bryson wasn't sleepy when I put him down for a nap one day, so he played and made a MESS before falling asleep on the floor
My parents are getting their pool redone and he was really concerned that the guys made all the water go away and he couldn't swim anymore
Super cool
Brandon and Jen asked us to go to the Ranger game with them last week. We even had all you can eat seats...dangerous! It was a lot of fun!
ok...i think I may be all caught up....for a while ;)