A crazy assortment of phone pictures! get ready!
5-6 months old, August and a little of September.
Em "flying" 5months
Best friends!! 5 months
Every single morning, he HAD to have each of his sisters lay with him so he could share his blankie, sleeping bag, baby bobby, and silly philly. The girls were not impressed ;)
Beating the August heat in Texas with shaving cream. The cars liked to drive in the "Snow" :)
(also, notice the gash on his head?? yeah, he fell off the recliner onto the corner of the coffee table the night before leave for the Fant family reunion. Gah!)
walking/riding to the park one morning (august)
Mimi and Papa stopped by with dinner to see the kids :)

drinking from the sprinkler (august)
we met some friends at the splash pad. the big kids played

and the babies chilled in the shade of the strollers ;)
playing with puppy (6months)
we had a few play dates with Nate and Alexis
the girls FINALLY started taking bottles regularly!!! (5/6 months)
Aunt Connie stopped by while Chris was playing in a b-ball tournament in Dallas!
showered with lovies from bubba. Bryson loves them SO much. he wants to share everything he owns with them all.the.time. I love it :)
B made a pallet in the kitchen and ate his waffle on the floor so he could lay next to the girls

Mommy and Em (September)
Bryson made aunt connie a slinky crown ;)
B LOVES to use my phone to take pictures of anything and everything. I'll pick up my phone and there are 300 pictures of random things!! I knew he took this one though ;)
M, B & Mimi
he is always asking to "hold a sister"
B & Em (September)
B & M
We played a lot of Chicken Foot during the Summer :)
Alicia stopped by after Summer School often to play with the kids! So thankful for this sweet friend!!! and I can't wait for Miss Aubrey and the kids to play together!

The Bragg family
Granny and Madelynn
Mammaw and Pop with Emily (during her hilarious "old man weird hair phase")

Bryson had his first sleepover with his best friend, Nate. They played at his house, went to Chuck E Cheese and had the BEST time together. I was a little worried he'd get scared before bed time since we went there, but he did awesome!!
"swimming" with glow sticks!! We were supposed to go swimming one day, but was raining, so this was the next best thing!
Papa was on his way to come get Bryson and he just couldn't stand the wait anymore, so he buckled himself into his car seat in hopes it would make him come faster :)
B and the girls (6 months)
Stay tuned...more is on it's way! ;)