Tuesday, June 14, 2011


While Michael and I were in Mexico, Bryson stayed with both sets of his grandparents. I know he had SOO much fun spending this special time with them. They reported that he was wonderful, happy and super fun the whole week. That makes me so happy!! Here are a few pictures of what Mr. B was up to all week...

Mimi and Papa's


Grandma and Papa's

(I have no idea why these rotated sideways...  tilt your head to the right for the next 20 seconds :) )

Grandma and Bryson were waiting for us when we got back and it was SOO good to see them!! I know Bryson LOVED being with them, because Bryson was saying "bye bye" and blowing kisses out the window as Grandma drove away and when he couldn't see the car anymore, he turned around and yelled "oh no!!!"  Then, he spent the next 10 minutes searching the house for Papa! It was adorable :)

I know I've said it a million times, and I will probably say it a million more, but we are SO blessed with our families. We love them so much and love how much they love Bryson. Thank you for being silly, having fun, and taking such good care of our baby while we were gone.
We love you!!

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