YAY!! My sister got engaged last night! It was so exciting :)
We all (our family and Brandon's family) went out to eat last night for Jenn's birthday dinner. Everyone at the table knew he was going to propose in just a few short hours and had to act completely normal around her! It was VERY difficult not to show extreme excitement :) But we all managed...
We all (our family and Brandon's family) went out to eat last night for Jenn's birthday dinner. Everyone at the table knew he was going to propose in just a few short hours and had to act completely normal around her! It was VERY difficult not to show extreme excitement :) But we all managed...

So we got home, had birthday cheesecake, she opened her presents, and hung out for a while. My mom asked Michael and I to stand in front of the fireplace for our "traditional couples pictures" that we must take pretty much everytime we get together. Jenn didn't think anything of it because like I said, it definitely wasn't out of the ordinary for us. Then it was Jenn and Brandon's turn...
And he dropped to his knee and proposed!!!
Congratulations Jenn and Brandon!!
Enjoy every minute of your engagement!!!
aww!!! glad you kept it a secret! congrats to them! it was good to see you!