Beyond being able to open up our home and fill their tummies with lots of junk food, the weekend was fantastic! Saturday was a jam packed day! The main event of the day was a "Where's Waldo Video Scavenger Hunt". Every group received a Waldo head and they could dress it up however they pleased. Our guys decided to make a gangsta waldo:
So we had 4 hours and 30 tasks that we had to complete. We went around town taping all the tasks. Waldo had to be taken everywhere. Some of the ones I can remember off the top of my head are: Waldo doing a conga line in a grocery store, Waldo on the Sachse train with a stranger yelling Waldo is "dead sachse", Waldo at the dog park, Waldo dancing with a stranger, Waldo waiting at a DART station, Waldo in a firetruck
and Waldo taking an order at a fast food restaurant.

We didn't quite win, but it was lots of fun! I heard a rumor that the Waldo videos were going to be put on youtube, so if it's true, that will have to be posted on here as well:) All in all, it was a great weekend! I think I am going to have to sleep for 3 straight days to make up for the sleep I missed, but it was worth it. :-)